This is us: ChemiChemi Players

Spread Your Garment Over Me


It was towards the end of 2021. Dr Julisa Rowe wanted to put up the play ‘Spread Your Garment Over Me’ a collection of 16 monologues that featured women in the Bible. With her extensive experience as an actor/ director, she could have easily pulled this off as a one-woman show- instead; she chose to reach out to a group of seasoned actresses who would share the stage with her. They all said ‘Yes!’ and in January 2022 Chemichemi Players was born. The show went on to sell out six times and to this day, is a crowd favourite everywhere it goes.

The theatre company has since staged ‘Kings and Leaders’, ‘Pilate’ and ‘Carnival Girl’. This year, Chemichemi
bagged three awards at the Kenya Theatre Awards –two for Carnival Girl and one for Pilate. It’s only two years in, but the future is looking bright for this new kid on the block!

In her own words, Julisa Rowe walks us through the unique calling of ChemiChemi Players.

“Wars and rumors of wars, soaring cost of living, angry voices denouncing people’s way of living or beliefs, depression and suicide increasing division and hate at every turn…It feels like a wasteland around us!  Each successive year brings new challenges, obstacles, and struggles in living.  It is harder to foster meaningful connections with people, and civil conversations about faith, politics, and life.  Depression is a growing concern in society.  So many feel they are living in a desert with no life in sight.

Amidst all this, back in 2021, I read Isaiah 43:19:  “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” What an amazing picture!  It speaks of the life-giving water under the surface of that wasteland, waiting to burst out.  But it doesn’t always come out in force – it starts with small streams bubbling up to the surface and joining
together.  As more and more springs bubble up and join together, there will come a time when a river flows through the land, bringing hope and life to all.

I love to do theatre that invigorates the audience and actors alike.  Amid an industry that can have so much toxicity or a society with many challenges that drain life and joy, we choose plays that speak of hope or point people in the direction of God’s life-giving peace.  In Swahili, the word “springs” translates to “ChemiChemi.”  We took it as the name of our theatre company to be a constant reminder that God is working beneath the surface and has the life- giving water to refresh our land.

Our theatre is a place where people can find refreshment for their souls, actors can practice their craft in a safe environment with thought-provoking dramas, and all of us can wrestle with issues creatively.

At ChemiChemi Players, we believe God is moving many to new things. The tiny leaves of a seedling are beginning to poke through the desert sand. God talks about doing a new thing, creating a new heart and spirit within us – It is our prayer that we continue to be the springs of Christ in a desert land.

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