Transforming lives for Christ, one play at a time.

“I have learned that people will forget what you say and what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

The Performing Arts hold a special place in our community. However, artists have become disillusioned over the years in an industry that seems to exploit them and actively set them up to exchange their faith for their success. There is currently no Church initiative in Kenya that exclusively focuses on this neglected mode of spreading the Gospel of Jesus, or that ministers to Christians who have been called by God to reach out to the lost, the confused, the discouraged and the hurting using the arts.

The CUI Centre for Performing Arts seeks to grow a Christ-centered army of musicians, writers, actors, directors, visual artists, dancers, and performing artists of all kinds who will intentionally use the arts to proclaim God’s truth and change the way that their audiences apply their faith within the African context.

We have been training and mentoring artists in the entertainment industry in Kenya for the past 14 years, and aim to expand the work. The CUI Centre for Performing Arts is designed to consistently train, gather, perform, provide fellowship and facilitate worship, with the goal of creating and providing meeting and rehearsal spaces, an art gallery, and a dedicated stage for repertory theatre productions in the near future. While exploring life creatively and from a biblical perspective, we want to challenge audiences to think about social issues, and provide a place where whole families can find entertainment.

Look out for new plays, musicals and other productions in the events page and spread the word!

Core Values

Performing Arts Training

Learning never stops. Learn with us through the training, materials and resources available to you here, and be part of creating understanding in your field!


Join the growing family of Christ-driven professionals as we create understanding together.

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