Training in the Biblical view of worship; providing a place of respite and refreshing for worship leaders.

“Worship is the heartfelt response of all that we are, body, mind, soul and spirit to all that God is and says and does.” – Warren Wiersbe

At its heart, worship is an encounter with God. With churches having diverse expressions of worship, the question always remains, are the worshippers encountering God? In talking about worship renewal, churches regularly need to evaluate what they are doing in the light of scripture.

Going by the number of times the Biblical psalmist encourages us to “sing,” it is clear that music is vital to our worship. Paul echoes that idea in Ephesians 5, telling us to “sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord.” Music has an amazing ability to engage our hearts and emotions, taking us to the place the Lord Himself requires; worshipping Him with our whole being, and not just our minds.

Consequently, the church needs excellent worship leaders who know and understand music that is relevant to the congregation, as well as a solid understanding of Scripture.

The CUI Centre for Worship Renewal and Music seeks to train worship leaders and musicians through short courses designed to meet the needs of the churches. We have worship retreats for worship leaders for inspiration and refreshing, so they are able to give from their spiritual overflow. The centre also gathers church and worship leaders in the area for think tanks to talk about what worship can and should look like in East Africa.

This centre is a key resource for the modern church.

Music Training

Join the growing family of Christ-driven professionals as we create understanding together.


Join the growing family of Christ-driven professionals as we create understanding together.


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